Jo Malone, Orange Blossom

It’s no secret that I am terrible at spoiling myself. It’s no secret that I am terrible at allowing myself the essentials in life too. I don’t like to buy myself things, as much as I may want them or need them. I’m quite conscious of consumerism and I don’t buy in to having lots of ‘stuff’ or ‘keeping up…

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New Years Eve 2015

Times have really changed you know? Long gone are the days when I would have had solid New Years Eve plans. When I would have secured tickets for somewhere that the drinks would be flowing, when I would need to go shopping for something glamorous and I would get excited with my friends for weeks leading up to the big…

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Christmas 2015

The room was dark when I woke up at 5am on Christmas morning and it was still dark when I woke up again half an hour after that. I couldn’t sleep too well, my mind was overwhelmed with the excitement of the chaos that would start in a couple of hours time yet felt like forever. I remember when I…

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Ellenah’s 4th Birthday

On Thursday, it was Miss Ellenah’s 4th Birthday. It was an emotional day for me. Four just feels so much bigger than being three years old. Four year olds like to say ‘But, I am four!’ a lot while they pout and put their hands on their hips. I’m waiting for a finger wiggle from my ‘Miss Sassy Pants’ over…

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As My Little Girl Turns Four

Dear Ellenah, I’m not starting this letter to you at all well. You my darling are turning four tomorrow and before I have even managed the start of this letter, I already have a tear on my cheek. I can’t believe how quickly this day has come around. You have been waiting for this day… one that in your eyes,…

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