Why am I a Tropic Ambassador?

Hello Loves! I hope this post finds you safe, healthy and well? I will touch on how I have been, how I am… Me and mine… But first, an announcement!! You may have guessed from the title of this post but on a miserable day in late January 2021, I became a Tropic Ambassador.

And I have to tell you… I really needed this leap of faith and new venture to bring me back to myself.
There’s that quote isn’t there. One that I resonate with extremely well in my present moment of feeling empowered and rejuvenated as a woman.
‘She remembered who she was and the game changed’
I feel like I handled 2020 and the wrath of Covid-19 with an element of balance. I wouldn’t say with ease but within the tragedy and chaos of it all, my little family and I were okay. Still smiling, still hoping… dreaming of the day when we could be with our family and friends once again. Even after we had a little spell of semi-normal freedom whereby the children could return to school, I could return to work and go for the occasional lunch with my sisters or a girlfriend as a treat. Even when we had to retreat to the confinement of our home again, a week into December because there had been a Covid-19 case within Noah’s bubble in school. We self-isolated for fourteen days and began counting down the days until we could spend time with our family over Christmas and enjoy the festivities of the school holidays. But things had become worse, cases were rife and unfortunately, so many people were still losing their lives. My area was thrown into tier 4 and Christmas as we had grown to love it, was cancelled.
And that was my turning point. I did the best part of the year with my positive pants on but as I tiptoed into 2021, afraid to look at anything, touch anything and feeling worried about breathing too loudly… I was vibrating at a very low frequency. I had given every single piece of myself away in the past year and as I embarked on my third spell of homeschooling my little darlings, I could feel that there just wasn’t enough of me left for myself.
This kind of low vibe… It’s not how I naturally navigate life. I am high energy, happy, positive… enthusiastic. But I was sad. I missed my family so much it hurt, I craved going back to work… my poor small business that has taken a beating by rules and restrictions and I missed my friends madly. I was dwelling on everything that I didn’t have.
And then, along came Tropic and this idea that I could have my own vegan, cruelty free beauty business that was using ethically sourced, naturally derived ingredients. Products which I personally loved already. A business that was carbon neutral and educating children from the poorest, remotest communities across the globe. A business that cares about saving the planet and keeping it beautiful and healthy for our future generations. All of the things that I care about.
It was me.
I couldn’t ignore it. I played with the idea for a few days. I researched until I I was exhausted. Looking so hard for the reason not to do it. Not to invest the money to buying my starter kit… My business in a box. I searched high and low for an excuse. I waited for the universe to warn me away… A method that I use often. A method that I trust when things feel bigger than me. But that warning never came.
And so, another quote comes to my mind. A favourite in this life…
‘What if I fall? Oh but Darling… What if you fly?’
Erin Hanson
And with that, I did it. I launched myself into a glorious passion project. A little piece of something that was just mine. To nurture, to love and to watch flourish.

I never chose this for the money. It isn’t about that for me. I just want to do more of what sets my soul on fire… and the benefit of it, is that potentially I can show those who I love and then they will show those who they love, that we can look and feel great, without damaging the planet or without paying high-end money to expose our skin (our largest organ) to potentially harmful ingredients. My truth is, that I just believe in this.
When I was younger, a teenager. I suffered terribly with blemish, acne prone skin. It was a horrible time for me really. I didn’t look people in the eye very often. I didn’t want anyone to look at me at all and it destroyed my confidence completely. I didn’t know of anything like Tropic back then. Products that are gentle, kind, nourishing, natural and transparent in what they truly are. I was marched to the Doctor and relied on prescription medication… One in particular called Zineryt. A name I’ll never forget, with a scent that will be etched in my memory forever. It was foul! I remember that it would sting so aggressively and my eyes would cry because it was so overpowering. I hated it! I always just felt like the chemicals were burning layers of my skin away. I mean… It worked temporarily… Until a few days after the course had finished. Then everything came back with a vengeance. More angry! So another course would start and I was stuck in that relentless cycle for a long while. Never really combatting the problem.
I don’t want to be a part of the problem. To the Earth, to nature, to animals, to our oceans, to climate change, to skin, to anyone’s confidence. I want to be a part of the solution. I want to make a difference.
That is why I am here…..
With Love,
I would absolutely love it if you were to visit My Tropic Shop or come and chat to me on My Tropic Instagram (@tropic_with_ria) or My Tropic Facebook page (Tropic With Ria)
Let’s see if we can’t just make you glow x